
Stay tuned for application information. Please send us an email for applications!


In Your Email:

Please tell us about yourself, your family, your life, and your interest or hobbies. Then tell us about the problems you have faced, are facing, or see in front of you that you are struggling with. Please also include any medications, therapy, veteran programs, or self discovery that you have used, tried or found, and any successes or failures you have had in these attempts. Finally, tell us what you are looking for or trying to attain from this program, life, and yourself. Please add anything you would like to share.

The email you send is a part of the application process.

All that matters is that you are honest, thoughtful, put yourself into it, and include all that is listed above. Spelling, grammar, structure, format, etc. do not matter. We will get to know each other very well over 8 weeks so don't be shy in an email!
